Abel Saji George here๐Ÿ˜

๐Ÿš€ Welcome to my website!

Hey there ๐Ÿ‘‹ Wanna go explore some codes with me!

๐Ÿ“œ Manifesto

To be in constant chase of fleeting dreams. Everyday, I ask myself, who was I yesterday how different am I today , how far have I managed to come along , is this much progress enough! Are you happy with this. Consistency is key! To push myself forward that is the motto I live by๐Ÿ˜Œ The sky is the limit. I love adding new skills regularly to my skill set,all the while leveling up on the existing ones. My skill hunting has taken me to multiple unrelated streams\n app development using Flutter and ReactNative frameworks, designing prototypes(in Figma and AdobeXd), video-editing,designing,content creation(making AMV's),I have just started off with webdevelopment too XD

To quit at minor setbacks!! The one thing I absolutely dispise is the act of giving up. I don't always do things alone.At the time of setbacks I make it a point to depend on others around me,I ask reliable people on their opinions and for strategies.To take inspiration from them,to learn from them,to grow with them.

To network with new people!\nThere goes a saying that network is net-Worth. I absolutely believe that people should meet new people who shares our motives and Ideologies constantly.In doing so we can ultimately light up our competitive spirts.In the end it all comes down to GROWTH. Take up responsibilites and grow together with peers.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€๐Ÿš€ Projects

There are a shit ton of stuff I would love to include in here but as this website is still in it's preliminary testing stage Imma refrain from doing so. Ciao!

๐Ÿ† Accomplishments

To be updated soon enough XD๐Ÿ”งโš™๏ธ/-

"Peopleโ€™s lives donโ€™t end when they die,
it ends when they lose faith."

๐ŸŒฎ Work History

St Antony's Public School

This is the school where i completed my 11th and 12th, it was a different experience altogether a bording school with unbelivably strict hostel were mobile and laptops where not permitted. So it did not really play much of a part in my career growth but as for character growth,the hostel was under a seminary......you can guess the rest.But the one thing I gained here was connections. My life and routines were affected considerably by the people who lived with me there and they still continue to inspire and help me grow.

Saintgits College of Engineering

I'm currently pursuing my bachellor's degree here. The opportunities to grow and learn are available in pleanty in this institution.The staff and faculty and even the people who live around there are supportive to our cause.I can focus on building connections and gathering the will to do more each day at the campus(well outside the classrooms off course!) A degree is all but a name head, there is more to a college life than classrooms!๐Ÿ˜Œ

TATOS Technologies

The one place that has tables around for me ^0^ . The peers here are all skill focused induviduals and here is where I have learned the most from. My mentor here is go-to-go person for advise both in life and work. He constantly backs me up and motives me to be my best. The peers here are also very helpful and ready to lend a hand no matter the hour of the day! Blessed to be a part of this community\n โ™ฅ๏ธ THANKYOU TATOS โ™ฅ๏ธ

And thank you for being here with me and reaching this far down ๐Ÿ˜‰!